One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville
Male mechanical engineering students work on a project in Cedarville's Engineering Projects Lab


Cedarville University engineering students and faculty continue to seek ways to apply their professional training to missions-related activities. To foster relationships with missionaries and to explore opportunities to serve, 该部门创建了 organization Society of Engineers Aiding 任务 (SEAM). 作为一个群体, SEAM meets regularly to pray for missionaries, 与他们通信, and even invite them in when available for special talks.

在2008年夏天,Dr. 戴夫·加拉格尔, professor of computer science, led a five-member team to Romania, 6月15日至7月1日, to provide computer training to youth and adults in support of local churches. This was our sixth consecutive year to send a computer science team to Romania to work alongside Greater Europe Mission.

每一天, the team taught computer courses to nearby villages — one session in the mornings and one in the afternoons — and led a chapel time, during which they sang songs, 给法度, 呈现了福音书. 在这两个星期里, the team presented the Gospel to more than 100 students and ministered in four different worship services by preaching, 唱歌, 并提供证词.

The missionaries and pastors who worked with our team were very excited by the ministry. Evangelicals are not well thought of in the predominantly Eastern Orthodox culture, and our presence doing a technical ministry served to improve the reputation of 教堂. We continued to establish strong relationships with both the missionaries and the pastors in the area and look forward to future ministry opportunities.

The Society of Engineers Aiding 任务 (SEAM) at Cedarville University had another active school year in 2014–15. During the first semester, the group hosted presentations by students Ryan Frazier and Peter Haugh, who described their summer missions engineering internship with SIM in Burkina Faso, where they served in troubleshooting water distribution networks and designed appropriate agricultural processing equipment. There was also a Skype conversation with Cedarville mechanical engineering alumnus Elizabeth Flow of LIMBS International in Kenya; a joint ASME/SEAM Seminar on Engineering 任务 实习 featuring Dale Harlan of SIM Water Ministry, Bolivia, and Cedarville engineering alumnus Jeremy Maller of Reach Beyond Radio Planting in West Africa; and Mark Vanderkooi, TEAM Bible translator to the Kwong 乍得人.

The second semester started with a well attended Technology in 任务 Seminar (JAARS, LightSys, Reach Beyond, SIM, and TWR) moderated by SEAM President Ryan Frazier at Cedarville’s annual 任务 Conference in 1月. Later in the semester SEAM meetings featured a Skype conversation with Cedarville mechanical engineering alumnus Cody Hall of SunSet Solutions describing his work designing, building, and installing progressive cavity deep well pump systems for remote locations and another Skype conversation with a Cedarville alumnus who is serving through engineering 在亚洲.

On many Saturdays and off-meeting Mondays, SEAM members worked diligently assembling and refining solar lights for Liberian church 领导人. They were able to send 50 units with Paul Mitchell, who was invited to ELWA as a worker essential to install water purification equipment for the hospital and Ebola wards.

For a senior capstone design project, members endurance tested a user-buildable PVC hand pump that is being used by Bolivian farmers through the ministry of Dale Harlan of SIM. In addition, SEAM members traveled with the engineering 全球推广 team to Bolivia in May 2015 with Dale and Helen Harlan of SIM to test the performance of water pumps in the field, to observe other water development activities, and to experience 玻利维亚的教堂.

Opportunities to serve are not limited to areas directly related to a student's major. Many engineering students participate in other short-term missions projects organized through the 全球推广 division at Cedarville University. These projects literally span the globe and provide a world of opportunities. Several of our engineering graduates have even spent time in China teaching.